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English Department

Aug 30, 2023 

English Department

The English Department was established in 1985 and is one of the first English majors established in China’s higher institutions of science and technology. Relying on the research university characteristics and engineering advantages of Dalian University of Technology, a unique compound talent cultivation model was formed in the context of the intersection of arts and sciences.

In 2001, it was granted the right to award a master’s degree in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics; in 2003, it was granted the right to award a master’s degree in English language and literature; in 2010, it was granted the right to award a master’s degree in foreign languages and literature; in 2012, it began to recruit doctoral students under the first-level discipline of philosophy; in 2019, it was selected as one of the first national first-class undergraduate major construction sites.

The English Department currently has 20 teachers, including 6 professors, 9 associate professors, 2 doctoral supervisors, 17 master’s supervisors, and 15 with doctoral degrees. Every year, there are 4 foreign teachers teaching in the department.

The English Department implements a large-scale enrollment, and general education is implemented in the first year. At the end of the first academic year, the majors are divided according to the principle of "volunteer first, grade ranking", and then students enter the English major and translation major respectively. In the next three years, they will be cultivated according to the corresponding professional cultivation plan. The English Department aims to cultivate high-quality international composite talents with a combination of English and interdisciplinary qualities, strong critical thinking, practical ability, research ability, patriotic sentiment, outstanding English professional qualities, and strong comprehensive practical ability.

Core courses of the major: Introduction to Linguistics, English Lexicology, Stylistics, Pragmatics, British Classical Literature, British Modern and Contemporary Literature, American Modern and Contemporary Literature, Western Literary Theory, Western Civilization History, Western Thought Classics, English-Chinese Translation, Translation of Chinese Culture, Interpretation and Spread of Chinese Culture in the West, Introduction to International Relations, etc.

The major is based on cultivating students’ solid basic language skills, focusing on constantly expanding students’ knowledge, improving critical thinking and logical analysis abilities, and cultivating students’ deep understanding of Western thoughts and culture and cultivating an international vision for students. In teaching, we adopt a small group cooperative learning model, a project-based teaching model, and a tutor-guiding model, emphasizing the storage of humanistic knowledge and the shaping of values while improving language skills. Regularly hold English imitation competitions, speech competitions, and debates to provide students with a stage for language practice and display.

Graduates Whereabouts: finance, government agencies, the Internet, management consulting, education, foreign trade, etc.